Research at Circumference Circus Theatre
Very kindly my friend and writer/actress/comedian Vera Chok put me in touch with a wonderful set of people in a temporary rehearsal space in King's Cross: Aislinn Mulligan and her collegues at Circumference ( I was lucky enough to help them set up their space and in return both see their very delicate and fun Glastonbury show 'Staged' and also borrow the use of their space while they were away. This meant I could explore the physical language of my version of Berenice further, with some wonderful actor friends: Imogen Daines, Viv Gibbs, Will Wolfe-Hogan and Cindy-Jane Armbruster. My aunt Rachel Alston gave us a yoga lesson as a little treat for the hrad working actors and the whole week was mind-blowingly lovely- both in weather and in work.